Friday, September 21, 2012

So still working on my store :D and networking of course. It feels like a lot but once I do it I'm like dang that wasn't so bad. So I posted some of my creations on Pinterest. My Youtube channel hasn't been getting much interest. I think I will do another video soon. I have some projects I know I have never seen on Youtube so that will probably get me some more viewers. I love doing the Youtube videos.

So what did I do today you ask. Some really fun earrings. My attention span was all over the place today. late last night I desided to work on my wire wrapping. It's not perfect but I'm working on it.

I also made this Totoro a couple of weeks ago. Me and my kids really love the Studio Ghibli films.  I have tried to make him before but have always failed. I recently put a picture up on the wall behind my desk and boom suddenly I knew what to do. I guess I just needed a visual in order to get him right.

As always follow me on Youtube Etsy

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A quick note

To anyone confused about my name on this account. I have more than one Google plus account. I already have one under my real name but wanted a clean account for my crafting ventures. So that it would be easy to keep track of things. My real name is Jacqueline Casillas.
So not quite a craft frenzy, but I worked on some projects today. I made some domino pendants. It was all going fine until I stamped them. For some reason even though I was using permanent ink when I went to glaze they smudged. It didn’t completely ruin them but it was disappointing after all the work I did. Here they are in progress.

I couldn't decide what to put on the one with the woman and the bottle. I asked on Facebook and got the suggestion TGIF which went wonderfully.

So now for my work in progress. I want to make a wrap around earring. I started wrapping them and they are turning out nice but still look very plain . I am sort of at a loss as to how to proceed with them. I really like the style of the earring but I'm not sure if I'm the only one. My partner in crime Bryan says they are strange lol. I think they are cute but who knows I have a weird sense of style I guess. Here are the prototypes. I intend to improve them.

As always please follow me on Etsy and Youtube :D.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I had to consider whether selling my things would be a business or a hobby. As much as I would like to think this would be my job one day I know it probably won't be for a long time. So for now it is a hobby. I don't plan on having very many things in my shop at a time and I know that I will be happy even if I sell one thing a month. I keep reading tips on how my Etsy experience should be. I don't really want a second job lol. For now I am going to sell things casually if for some reason my shop becomes super popular I guess I will have to deal with that if it comes. I put a video out on my Youtube channel today. I had a very hard time trying to come up with a first video idea. I am truly a jack of all trades I make so much choosing one subject was very difficult. I finally settled on rice writing. I also dabbled with alcohol ink today I have been working on some really cute domino pendants.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


   So I am about to open my Etsy store. I am very nervous. I like to think my creations are the best but is hard to not be critical of myself. I keep having the thought that of course my friends love my stuff. That's why they're my friends, they encourage me and praise what I do. Then my brain tells me, but what if that's all it is they don't want to hurt my feelings so they tell me every thing is great. I know I'm being silly.

   After years of people saying I should sell the stuff I make, I'm finally going to open an online store. I have no Idea of what I'm doing lol. I've ordered the packing supplies. Set up the Etsy account and Paypal. Written my store polices. Read book after book. I still feel those butterflies. Will I sell anything? Will they tell me my things are crap?

So now only a few weeks away from actually opening my store. I'm trying to decide what to sell. I originally wanted to start slow with only three items.
I have decided three items makes my store look empty so I upped it to twelve. So the design and craft frenzy begins. This is too much fun. Here is my Etsy store and Youtube channel where I will be doing tutorials on some of the stuff I make.